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Monday, August 29, 2011

They won't all be golden...

Well, since we didn't get to do any school last Friday, since my girl came down with her little bug, I had great intentions to pick things back up, today. But, first, we had to run out in the morning. We're going to participate in a homeschool group Bible memory verse club - W.O.W., which stands for Warriors of Wisdom. Last Friday was the first meeting - getting t-shirts, meeting all the other kids, doing a craft and, oh yes, getting our list of verses.  Well, we had to miss that, too, of course.  So we went to the leader's house, today, to meet her and her kids, and to get our things from her.  It was nice - got a good little get-to-know-you visit and Isabella immediately ran upstairs with the lady's daughter (who is a few years older) and youngest son (who is 30 days younger than my girl). We didn't stay long. And when we got home and settled, we went right into school work. And I realized that we are similar in our need to do tasks first thing before any distractions.  Neither of us was truly into it. The Pledge of Allegiance, Lord's Prayer, a worksheet, several short books, and we were done!  I felt we really didn't do anything that was truly learning. But we went through the motions, and that has merit too, right?  Gets us into a habit?  Right?  I knew going in there'd be days like this, so I'm not truly beating myself up.  It's more that I'm thinking "why did I waste that time?" 

Then, we had a few mini melt-downs, and work crept in so I had to push my girl into the playroom for a while to entertain herself.  I did make up for that by playing a few rounds of Hello, Kitty Bingo with her.  That was actually quite fun. It was just given to her from her aunt, last night, and for the first time, I saw her grasping the total concept of a game, and didn't try to manipulate anything so that she had things go her way (ie: cheat).  It was fascinating to just sit and watch her look at her cards, and see if the right picture was under the letter rolled.  What a grown-up girl she is getting to be.

Feeling like our simple preschool work was a little too much for us, today; listening and dealing with attitude and meltdowns; watching her play a game the right way all the way through and accepting loss as well as win...all of this made me a little nostalgic for the sleep-deprived but much simpler time in our lives with our girl.  And, since I had no photos to add to this post (and I feel strongly that pictures need to be part of almost all my posts, but I've failed that the last couple), here's a little "blast from the past" photo....from exactly 4 years ago today (give or take one or two, yes, not truly "exactly"):

'Til Later!

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