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Monday, September 19, 2011

And so it goes

Wow, does time fly! We've been doing some schoolwork - actually, according to the lesson plans I wrote up for September, we're still on schedule. But, my hope of doing schoolwork 3 days a week just hasn't happened, yet. I guess we're taking it slow and easy...Good thing we're just in Pre-K, huh?
Here are some pictures of our last couple of weeks:

My girl modeling our much needed find from a consignment shop - a new-to-us (and in perfect condition) bike helmet. I hated her other one, as the straps were a mess and I couldn't adjust it properly. So happy that she'll be safe on her scooter and hopefully soon, her bike. Weather is slowly improving so that we should be able to play outside more, soon.

Also, at the consignment shop - a much coveted Hungry Hungry Hippos game. Even hubby and I have enjoyed playing it with her!
Isabella grabbed my camera and went around taking pictures. Josie is always a willing model.

 Nemo isn't all that fond of the camera, but does love "her" couch. If she can be there, shoot away!
 Ah, and the rocking horse - in the kitchen, of course. Where do you keep yours?
 What photo portfolio is complete without a ceiling vent shot?
And back to the rocking horse - with stickers galore.

As you may have heard, Central Texas had some major wildfires. The closest one to us was in Bastrop - about 45 minutes away.  Between the houses, in the photo below, you can see the smoke on the first big day of it.  Following days, our sky was very hazy and you could smell the smoke through-out the house for a good couple of days. It's unfortunate that the two worst days of the smoke were the only two days we had cool enough weather to open windows.  We've since gone back to heat, along with some very high humidity now, too. Is summer ever going to end? (I never thought I would say those words!)

A fun school project - B is for Bumblebee!

Our dog, Josie, loves to lay in the sun like this - doesn't she look like some poor dead abandoned dog in some heartbreaking story? Well, she was a rescue dog from just that situation - a beach in Puerto Rico where dogs are routinely abandoned to die. As sorry as Josie would like you to feel for her - she was actually rescued the day she was abandoned. A rescue worker, there to bring other dogs to foster homes and then onto the US, saw her being left. Very sad, but at least our girl wasn't left to fend for herself on the beach.  But, if you let her, she'll make you feel she went through so much on that beach....

By the way - never leave your camera near a husband alone. You get shot of leg/foot and tv,

 sleeping kitties,
 and more tv (to credit the show - ABC's Happy Endings)
And, to follow in her Daddy's footsteps, Izzy got a shot of PBS's Sid the Science Kid. I'm so proud...

Lately, my little girl has started playing with all of her baby dolls.  She is such a sweet little Mommy.  One day, she found a way to get all of those babies ready for a stroll through the house:

 then left them all behind to go play by herself in the playroom.  I can't blame her. There are days I want a little escape, myself.
mmmmmmm........The Pioneer Woman's Mac & Cheese. I admit, I HAD to make it after watching her new show on Food Network. If you haven't seen it yet - you should check it out! I've even introduced my sister-in-law in central Washington to it and she's hooked, after never even having heard of The Pioneer Woman (Good thing she crossed over to the PW side, or I might have to disown her!).  If you're tempted, grab the recipe here. It's wonderful!! 

 More schoolwork pictures - clothespin clipping - matching numbers. Isabella LOVED this!  We'll be doing this type of task more often.
Glueing shapes together to make a person.

 Letter matching - putting a creative spin on it. Each line was its own color.  :)
Making a Caterpillar out of a "C." All of our crafts out of letters, so far, have been so much fun!

Okay - evidence that my husband and kiddo aren't the only ones taking weird pictures...this one - well, maybe I should see if anyone can figure out what this is! Any guesses - please feel free to comment :)

 And, finally, my last picture. If you've skimmed this far, I commend you. I am not overly creative in my words, today (well, it's actually 10:35 at night, after a very long, very busy day. but I'm determined to get back into posting more regularly. I really want to post at least a couple of pictures each time we hold school).  Anyway - this was very cute, I thought - it's the Tree of Knowledge (or the Tree of Good and Evil, if you prefer). Isabella made it in Children's Church (it's called KREW at our church). The light green pipe cleaner is the serpent - can you see its eyes?. The base is just a cup from a cardboard egg container.  All of the kids seemed to really enjoy this craft. 

Well, I suppose I better sign off. Tomorrow, I have to be up early to make a work call and work through some things. Then, we leave early for our second session of the Pre-K Math and Science Club Isabella is participating in with 5 of our little 4/5 year old friends. Last week went so well - everyone had fun, and the two mommies teaching did a great job. We're really looking forward to tomorrow (maybe I'll take a picture or two). Then, another friend's birthday party. I think more work and Costco have to also be fit into the day.  Sometime this week, October's curriculum from is supposed to be ready.  When I sit down to print, and then write out our October lesson plan, I will photo-document the whole process and blog it. Just in case anyone is interested in seeing how I am doing our lesson plans.

'Til Later!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Busy Couple of Days

Yesterday, I made brownies and all day simmering spaghetti sauce.  Of course, there are certain things you HAVE to do when you make brownies - like lick the spoon!  :)
The recipe I've used the last 2 times I made brownies I LOVE!  Find it at
 After I got the sauce simmering and pictures taken, I meant to write a blog post about kids not liking certain meals.  See - I always swore I would NEVER make a separate meal for my kids. What I make is what we eat - it's not always going to be their favorite.  It's not always MY favorite. But, you eat what's made for you!  But, Isabella hates spaghetti so much, I failed in my resolve, and I do make her something separate.  It's not actually making a separate meal - I either heat up a leftover, or make a sandwich for her.  Yesterday, she asked for hamburger and rice, which we had leftover in the fridge. So I planned to heat that up for her. I ran out of time to write a blog post before we had dinner. So, I heated the leftovers for her, and plated my food. As I started eating, Isabella came over and asked for a piece of hamburger out of my spaghetti. so I let her have a piece.  Then, she wanted some noodles with some hamburger. So I got some on the fork for her.  Then, she asked for her own dish of spaghetti....WHAT?  Woohoo!!  And, as you can tell below, she certainly got into her dinner....

 After dinner, I looked at my dining room table, and just shook my head. It's such a disaster.  And I was at a loss what to do to get organized. Most of it is school paperwork, but there was a mix of other junk...I mean, stuff...piled up there, too.  So, I decided that was going to be my project for today. 
This little table is my teacher table (or, rather a little used tv tray) for when we do school.  such a tiny area to keep my daily paperwork, books to read, etc. organized.  After I took this photo, I headed into my  husband's office, dug through some bins in the closet, and finally found our office supplies bin. AND found everything I was hoping to find - file folders, page protectors, divider pages, and folder inserts for 3 ring binders.  I was ready for today, by the time I went to bed!
 I worked all day..repurposed a basket that used to hold miscellaneous workbooks for preschool work, craft books, devotional books, and put our library books, and books we own, that we're using for school reading in it.  Moved it to be right next to the glider rocker I sit in to teach. feels so good to have them in that basket, right at my fingertips, instead of stacked on the coffee table across the room!
 A friend no longer needed her scrapbook case, so had given it to me. Mine is broken and ready for the dump.  But, I haven't moved scrapbooking stuff in it, yet.  Instead, I have now decided to put workbooks, my files of worksheets, and miscellaneous little books and supplies in it for school.  All neat and tidy!
 I didn't want to take up space in our book basket with our devotional books, but want them close at hand, so I can decide each day which book to use.  So, I stacked them on top of the tv, since that's next to my book basket and chair. I think it's a practical, and yet not ugly, way to display and use them!
 Now, after organizing my September lesson plans and the worksheets that go with each days' work into a big 3 ring binder, this is how my teaching table looks!  LOVELY!

 I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm using the curriculum posted on Preschool Palace. I printed out all of September's days, crossed out things we won't do (meant for a classroom with more than 1 kiddo), added notes of additional work we will do, and labeled each day (some days, we'll use more than one of Preschool Palace's days) with a Letter and number.
 Then, I labeled the file inserts A-F (because that's all I had).  The worksheets that match up with each day are bundled together and labeled to match the day, and filed in the correct letter file.  Should make each day so easy - just grab that packet out at the start, and we're ready to get on with the day!
The front and back pockets hold the items that are too large for the file inserts.
And now - look how clean my table looks!!  Just our wooden napkin basket and my Bible study materials, along with the (crooked) table runner and candle.  YAY!  How long can I keep it looking this good?  It is certainly a peaceful feeling to have one area looking so nice and uncluttered......
 As opposed to the playroom. This is what I found after spending all day on the dining room table disaster and organizing school paperwork.  I just turned and walked away.
'Til Later!