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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trying something....

A few years ago, I made a paperpieced black and white quilt.  (I'll have to dig it out out of the closet and take a picture.)  My husband loves it, and it's his winter time blanket, whether when watching tv, or at night in bed.  It was fun collecting the fabrics for it.  I only used black or white printed fabrics that had cats on them.  (Not fair to describe, but not post a picture...I will do it, I promise!)

Well, I haven't been feeling overly crafty, lately. I've been over-consumed (is that even a proper use of a word?) with homeschool research and wiped out from the horribly hot summer.  And, twice a month, I clean for someone for money, so cleaning my own house for free (without the added bonus of getting to do it start to finish with no interruptions, and knowing any little cleaning I accomplish will be destroyed within hours, if not moments) has been more difficult to face. crafting, a horribly filthy house, a demanding bored 4-1/2 year old who is tired of being so cooped up from the heat, a body that is screaming for heat relief (not to mention weight gain from lack of exercise because of the...well, my complaining makes that obvious...horrible heat). 
BUT - last Sunday (already a week ago?), I pulled out my sewing basket.  Ignored the clothing that needs repairs, and pulled out fabric and paper patterns to work on another paper pieced quilt.  The difference - since I don't have a working sewing machine right now - is that I'm (gulp) attempting this by hand sewing it.

I think it'll be cute - it's going to be a baby quilt, whenever I finally am motivated enough to finish it. 
Here is one finished block:

'Til Later!

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