Yes, yes....while I love to read blogs, writing them is obviously a difficult thing for me. Ah, well....
So, to catch up anyone who cares:
Our beautiful garden - a total bust due to our drought and water restrictions. We were skipping showers and baths and only washing laundry once a week...but we were getting very stinky, and with as little as the garden was producing, I decided better to smell good and not have people avoiding us. I got tired of fighting the birds for my few cherry tomatoes, anyway.
But it sure was pretty when it started, wasn't it?
This summer has been super hot here in Central Texas, as it has been in so much of the country. Triple digits for weeks in a row, and no relief in sight, per the weather forecast tonight. yay....
We were unable to take a vacation, yet again, this year. And my husband has been working a lot, this summer. But, Isabella and I have kept busy with friends, some swim dates, a new discovery of a craft day on Saturdays at an education store in north Austin. We don't go every Saturday - too much gas for us to use. But, we've been able to go whenever the craft was a theme Isabella is into. First a jelly fish craft, then an under-the-sea collage (didn't get a picture). And now she's very excited about an upcoming dinosaur craft.
Here is the jellyfish craft.
Oh, does my kiddo LOVE dinosaurs! She can pronounce the most difficult dino names. She loves to teach anything and everything she knows. I love listening to her.
A new thing I am trying this summer:
I decided to make some lapbooks to use in our homeschooling. Thanks to for the ideas/printouts. I started with Good Night Moon:
Then, of course, my next one had to be about dinosaurs!
Well, that's been about it, in addition to work and just regular lifestuff. Will try to be better aboug taking more pictures and keeping our blog more current. In the meantime, stay cool!
'Til next time.
great job on the lap books! Love the jellyfish craft idea! Thanks for stopping by the blog to say hi!