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Monday, April 25, 2011

Long time...

I'm really the worst blogger!  It's not that I haven't had things I wanted to post.  It's not even really that I didn't have time.  Well, maybe that's part of it.  I did get busy with some digital scrapbooking, which I hadn't done in a few months.  But, I've done a few craft projects and the garden has gone insane!
It's so hot, here in central Texas, already.  WAY too early to be this hot, and lately so muggy, too.  That never helps me be productive, as I only want to sit on the couch, under the ceiling fan (yes, we have A/C, but hubby is appalled at our power bill, so the A/C stays off until shortly before Izzy's bedtime...and then only for an hour or two, to make sure she's comfortable while she falls asleep).  Tomorrow, it could get as high as 98!  YIKES!  When did we jump ahead to July?

I have some miscellaneous photos from the last month to share (I'll do garden pictures as a separate post):
 Isabella, admiring a turtle at her favorite place - Cabela's.

A bulletin board I set up for Isabella and I to use for Letter and Number of the week, Day, Month & Date, and Weather.She loves helping me change it out...especially the weather.

I found a frame at a local thrift store!  I was looking for one like this.  We're hoping to paint Izzy's room this summer.  So my plan is to paint this frame in a complimentary color, and paint chalkboard paint on the wall that will be behind this frame.  Then she can have ever changing art on her wall. 

Well, blogger is giving me some issues, tonight, with posting pictures.  So I'll jump on, again, soon and post some more.  I have 3 different crafts that I did, that I thought turned out kind of cute.  So wanted to show them. 
In the meantime, I hope your week starts off well!
'Til Later!


  1. We love Cabela's too! I agree, it's way too hot, way too early here in Texas! We need rain! Looking forward to seeing your pictures!

